
Playing with toys and moving around are challenging for Ahaan due to vision loss and decreased feeling/mobility on the right side of his body. However, no matter the challenges he faces, Ahaan keeps a smile on his face.

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From the live performances to the original pieces of art and the unique decor, everything about our 2018 Art of Music Gala, on February 10, was just as spectacular as the event’s theme, “Wonderland”. The second annual black-tie event, which was held at the South Side Ballroom, had 225 guests and raised a net proceed of $104,000 for The Warren Center. See highlights from the evening in the video below.

The 2018 Art of Music Gala was co-chaired by David Call and Jordan Roberts and was presented by Melody and Rick Rogers and the Moglia Family foundation on behalf of Amy Heuerman and Joseph Moglia. The evening’s program included four musical performances by the talented musicians K.C. King, Ryan Berg, Jamar Jones and the event’s headliner and rhythm and blues superstar, Vivian Green.

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Richardson, Texas- At the beginning of March, we hosted an Open House where members of our community toured our Richardson office and learned about the services we offer. Guests had the opportunity to meet two mothers, Dina Alsaid and Brooke Cole, whose children received services at The Warren Center. Dina and Brooke shared their experience with The Warren Center and the progress their children have made.

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If you’ve visited our Richardson office in the last few months, you may have noticed some new additions inside and outside the building. Last November, Diesel Displays stopped by The Warren Center to decorate the walls with fun displays, which included a large tree and paper planes. They also added canvas prints of the children we serve to our community room, and put an awesome purple frame around the TV in the lobby.

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Earlier this month, some of the children and families we serve through our Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) program gathered together to celebrate a big milestone: graduation! Throughout each year, The Warren Center hosts graduation ceremonies to celebrate the children that have graduated from our ECI program. Children have the opportunity to wear a cap and gown and go across the stage to receive a special certificate. Families are also able to have their photo taken.

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It all started with a couple of neighborhood kids wanting to do their part to help the people in Houston recover from Hurricane Harvey. After the kids had heard about the damage that Hurricane Harvey had in the Houston area, they decided to start a lemonade stand to raise money to help. They didn’t have an entrepreneurial business model but just a desire to help fellow Texans. Two dollars turned into twenty dollars which turned into two hundred dollars.


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