
Local children run lemonade stand to buy diapers for children displaced by Hurricane Harvey.

It all started with a couple of neighborhood kids wanting to do their part to help the people in Houston recover from Hurricane Harvey. After the kids had heard about the damage that Hurricane Harvey had in the Houston area, they decided to start a lemonade stand to raise money to help. They didn’t have an entrepreneurial business model but just a desire to help fellow Texans. Two dollars turned into twenty dollars which turned into two hundred dollars.


By the end of the weekend, the kids had raised over five hundred dollars on their own. Being so impressed by what they had accomplished, the Mohawk Elementary dads group called “The Chiefs” decided to match whatever they raised.

In an effort to allow the kids to see how far their money could go, they rounded up all the quarters and dollar bills and headed to the store with their parents to pick out the diapers and help load them into the truck for delivery to The Warren Center.

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