
Meet Ahaan

Playing with toys and moving around are challenging for Ahaan due to vision loss and decreased feeling/mobility on the right side of his body. However, no matter the challenges he faces, Ahaan keeps a smile on his face.

The Warren Center’s team of therapists are providing therapy for Ahaan and teaching his parents strategies to help him improve his motor, communication and feeding skills. His right hand has decreased feeling and mobility. So his therapists adapted his toys with different handles or Velcro as one way to help strengthen his hand.

Ahaan’s parents are also incorporating the strategies they’re learning into their daily routine, including a music class at the library. With the help of his therapists, Ahaan has made significant progress! He can now sit independently and reaches in all directions for toys. He also uses his left hand to hold his bottle.

Ahaan’s parents also receive support and resource guidance through The Warren Center’s Family Education and Support services. Through The Warren Center’s educational workshops, they have learned about various topics including long-term care and financial planning for Ahaan.

You can help bring smiles to more children and families when you shop through AmazonSmile. Now through Nov. 2, Amazon Smile is donating 5% (ten times the usual amount) to The Warren Center when you shop at

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