
From the live performances to the original pieces of art and the unique decor, everything about our 2018 Art of Music Gala, on February 10, was just as spectacular as the event’s theme, “Wonderland”. The second annual black-tie event, which was held at the South Side Ballroom, had 225 guests and raised a net proceed of $104,000 for The Warren Center. See highlights from the evening in the video below.

The 2018 Art of Music Gala was co-chaired by David Call and Jordan Roberts and was presented by Melody and Rick Rogers and the Moglia Family foundation on behalf of Amy Heuerman and Joseph Moglia. The evening’s program included four musical performances by the talented musicians K.C. King, Ryan Berg, Jamar Jones and the event’s headliner and rhythm and blues superstar, Vivian Green.

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